CommandError: You appear not to have the 'sqlite3' program installed or on your path CommandError: You appear not to have the 'sqlite3' program installed or on your path sqlite sqlite

CommandError: You appear not to have the 'sqlite3' program installed or on your path

If you run it in the linux, pls install sqlite3 cli firstly

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

After you add the directory to your PATH, close and reopen Command Prompt. This will make the changes to PATH available to your current Command Prompt session.

I faced the same problem. Finally, I found a decision:

  • downloaded sqlite3.exe from and saved it to the another directory
  • added that directory to the environment variable PATH
  • closed and reopened CMD windows terminal
  • and just after that command sqlite3 worked for me and I saw a message SQLite version 2015-05-20 18:17:19 ....