Concurrent writes with SQLite and Peewee Concurrent writes with SQLite and Peewee sqlite sqlite

Concurrent writes with SQLite and Peewee

Sqlite is the one doing the locking, although I can see how you might be confused -- the FAQ wording is a bit ambiguous:

When any process wants to write, it must lock the entire database file for the duration of its update. But that normally only takes a few milliseconds. Other processes just wait on the writer to finish then continue about their business. Other embedded SQL database engines typically only allow a single process to connect to the database at once.

So if you have two threads, each with their own connection, and one acquires the write lock, the other thread will have to wait for the lock to be released before it can start writing.

Looking at pysqlite, the default busy timeout looks to be 5 seconds, so the second thread should wait up to 5 seconds before raising an OperationalError.

Also, I'd suggest instantiating your SqliteDatabase with threadlocals=True. That will store a connection-per-thread.

Consider to run all writing operations within 1 async process. This made the Javascript server programming nowadays so famous (although this idea is know far longer). It just needs that you a bit familiar with asynchronous programming concept of callbacks:



Consider to write your own thin async handler in python,as solved here e.g.SQLAlchemy + Requests Asynchronous PatternI would recommend you the last approach, as this allows you more code portability, control, independance from the backend database engine and scalability.