Delete All Data with SQLite delete syntax? Delete All Data with SQLite delete syntax? sqlite sqlite

Delete All Data with SQLite delete syntax?

Well, the normal SQL syntax would be:

DELETE FROM tablename

If you have a standard primary id column (and you should) you can do

DELETE FROM tablename WHERE id > -1;

And this will delete all rows in the table since there is no id less than 0.

DELETE FROM tablename did not work for me. I was using a sqlite3 database on iPhone, which I assume the poster was, as well. For me to get this to work, I needed to:

DROP table tablename

followed by a CREATE statement, if I wanted the table to still exist (without any rows).

Of course, that requires knowing the right CREATE statement. Using the SQLManager plugin for Firefox quickly reverse-engineered for me the correct CREATE statement to use. I never figured out why DELETE FROM tablename didn't work, but it definitely didn't, in my case.