DLL File for windows 7 64bit DLL File for windows 7 64bit sqlite sqlite

DLL File for windows 7 64bit

The SQLite website only has the 32-bit .dll, to get a 64-bit one you'll have to download and compile the source yourself.

Since you're using C#, an easier way is to use System.Data.SQLite ( http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/ ). They have a 64-bit download available, which is SQLite itself and their ADO.NET provider combined into one .dll. It's the easiest way to use SQLite on Windows with C# I think.

Update: New download URL is http://system.data.sqlite.org/index.html/doc/trunk/www/downloads.wiki

bin/x64 directory contains 64-bit NATIVE DLL, named System.Data.SQLite.dll which is SQLITE3.dll compiled for AMD64/X86_64 platforms.The url is:http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlite-dotnet2/files/SQLite%20for%20ADO.NET%202.0/ it was you`re looking for).

  1. Download SQLite- fromhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlite-dotnet2/files/SQLite%20for%20ADO.NET%202.0/
  2. Run this executable will create a folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\SQLite.NET
  3. Pick the System.Data.SQLite.DLL from bin/x64 and renamed it to sqlite3.dll-- and you are good to go.