Does not load JDBC Library on ARM by execute Java Application Does not load JDBC Library on ARM by execute Java Application sqlite sqlite

Does not load JDBC Library on ARM by execute Java Application

I compared the SQLiteJDBCLoader code in version 3.8.7 with version 3.7.2 and found some insight. 3.7.2 seems to have a pure java mode while the corresponding code is from 3.8.7 missing. From my little knowledge and a quick glance on the download page, I conclude one would need a native library for the target platform. I could not find a download for ARM.

If you need a pure java datebase, you might take another choice.

I believe your command line is wrong.If you use -jar, then the -classpath is ignored!

Either the manifest in app.jar needs to refer to the library, or you need to start it like this: java -classpath lib/sqlite-jdbc-3.8.7.jar:myapp.jar name.of.MainClass