Does SQLite support transactions across multiple databases? Does SQLite support transactions across multiple databases? sqlite sqlite

Does SQLite support transactions across multiple databases?

Yes transactions works with different sqlite database and even between sqlite and sqlserver. I have tried it couple of times.

Some links and info

From here - Transaction between different data sources.

Since SQLite ADO.NET 2.0 Provider supports transaction enlistement, not only it is possible to perform a transaction spanning several SQLite datasources, but also spanning other database engines such as SQL Server.


using (DbConnection cn1 = new SQLiteConnection(" ... ") )using (DbConnection cn2 = new SQLiteConnection(" ... "))using (DbConnection cn3 = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection( " ... ") )using (TransactionScope ts = new TransactionScope() ){    cn1.Open(); cn2.Open(); cn3.Open();    DoWork1( cn1 );    DoWork2( cn2 );    DoWork3( cn3 );    ts.Complete();}

How to attach a new database:

SQLiteConnection cnn = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=C:\\myfirstdatabase.db");cnn.Open();using (DbCommand cmd = cnn.CreateCommand()){  cmd.CommandText = "ATTACH DATABASE 'c:\\myseconddatabase.db' AS [second]";  cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();cmd.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM main.myfirsttable INNER JOIN second.mysecondtable ON = second.mysecondtable.myfirstid";  object o = cmd.ExecuteScalar();}

Yes, SQLite explicitly supports multi-database transactions (see for technical details). However, there is a fairly large caveat. If the database file is in WAL mode, then:

Transactions that involve changes against multiple ATTACHed databases are atomic for each individual database, but are not atomic across all databases as a set.