EF6, SQLite won't work without App.config EF6, SQLite won't work without App.config sqlite sqlite

EF6, SQLite won't work without App.config

The minimum needed to make the constructor with connection string working is a custom IProviderInvariantName, IDbDependencyResolver and DbConfiguration:

public class SQLiteProviderInvariantName : IProviderInvariantName{    public static readonly SQLiteProviderInvariantName Instance = new SQLiteProviderInvariantName();    private SQLiteProviderInvariantName() { }    public const string ProviderName = "System.Data.SQLite.EF6";    public string Name { get { return ProviderName; } }}class SQLiteDbDependencyResolver : IDbDependencyResolver{    public object GetService(Type type, object key)    {        if (type == typeof(IProviderInvariantName)) return SQLiteProviderInvariantName.Instance;        if (type == typeof(DbProviderFactory)) return SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance;        return SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance.GetService(type);    }    public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type type, object key)    {        var service = GetService(type, key);        if (service != null) yield return service;    }}class SQLiteDbConfiguration : DbConfiguration{    public SQLiteDbConfiguration()    {        AddDependencyResolver(new SQLiteDbDependencyResolver());    }}

Now this should work:

var context = new MyContext("Data Source = mytest.db; Version = 3;");var entities = context.MyEntities.ToList();

Update: For NET4.0 you would also need a custom IDbProviderFactoryResolver:

class SQLiteDbProviderFactoryResolver : IDbProviderFactoryResolver{    public static readonly SQLiteDbProviderFactoryResolver Instance = new SQLiteDbProviderFactoryResolver();    private SQLiteDbProviderFactoryResolver() { }    public DbProviderFactory ResolveProviderFactory(DbConnection connection)    {        if (connection is SQLiteConnection) return SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance;        if (connection is EntityConnection) return EntityProviderFactory.Instance;        return null;    }}

and add

if (type == typeof(IDbProviderFactoryResolver)) return SQLiteDbProviderFactoryResolver.Instance;

to the SQLiteDbDependencyResolver.GetService method implementation.