Encrypting SQLite Database file in iPhone OS Encrypting SQLite Database file in iPhone OS sqlite sqlite

Encrypting SQLite Database file in iPhone OS

You cannot trust the client, period. If your standalone app can decrypt it, so will they. Either put the data on a server or don't bother, as the number of people who actually crack it to enhance stats will be minuscule, and they should probably be rewarded for the effort anyway!

Put a string in the database saying "please don't cheat".

There are at least two easier approaches here (both complimentary) that avoid encrypting values or in-memory databases:

#1 - ipa crack detection

Avoid the technical (and legal) hassle of encrypting the database and/or the contents and just determine if the app is pirated and disable the network/scoring/ranking aspects of the game. See the following for more details:


#2 - data integrity verification

Alternatively store a HMAC/salted hash of the important columns in each row when saving your data (and in your initial sqlite db). When loading each row, verify the data against the HMAC/hash and if verification fails act accordingly.

Neither approach will force you to fill out the encryption export forms required by Apple/US government.

Score submission

Don't forget you'll need to do something similar for the actual score submissions to protect against values coming from something other than your app. You can see an implementation of this in the cocos2d-iphone and cocoslive frameworks at http://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-iphone/ and http://code.google.com/p/cocoslive/

Response to comments

There is no solution here that will 100% prevent data tampering. If that is a requirement, the client needs to be view only and all state and logic must be calculated on a trusted server. Depending on the application, extra anti-cheat mechanisms will be required on the client.

There are a number of books on developing massively-multiplayer games that discuss these issues.

Having a hash with a known secret in the code is likely a reasonable approach (at least, when considering the type of applications that generally exist on the App Store).

Like Kendall said, including the key on the device is basically asking to get cracked. However, there are folks who have their reasons for obfuscating data with a key on-device. If you're determined to do it, you might consider using SQLCipher for your implementation. It's a build of SQLite that provides transparent, page-level encryption of the entire DB. There's a tutorial over on Mobile Orchard for using it in iPhone apps.