Exporting the sqlite3 table into file using "C" execute API Exporting the sqlite3 table into file using "C" execute API sqlite sqlite

Exporting the sqlite3 table into file using "C" execute API

The SQLite API call you are using only accepts SQL:
"The sqlite3_exec() interface runs zero or more UTF-8 encoded, semicolon-separate SQL statements passed into its 2nd argument, in the context of the database connection passed in as its 1st argument." [from http://www.sqlite.org/c3ref/exec.html]

If you browse through the source of SQLite you can see that the .output command opens a file and then uses the sqlite3_snprintf API to write the contents of the query result to the opened file handle.

The most recent source that shows what is happening is here:

The relevant part for .output is this:

if( c=='o' && strncmp(azArg[0], "output", n)==0 && nArg==2 ){    if( p->outfile[0]=='|' ){      pclose(p->out);    }else{      output_file_close(p->out);    }    p->outfile[0] = 0;    if( azArg[1][0]=='|' ){      p->out = popen(&azArg[1][1], "w");      if( p->out==0 ){        fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot open pipe \"%s\"\n", &azArg[1][1]);        p->out = stdout;        rc = 1;      }else{        sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->outfile), p->outfile, "%s", azArg[1]);      }    }else{      p->out = output_file_open(azArg[1]);      if( p->out==0 ){        if( strcmp(azArg[1],"off")!=0 ){          fprintf(stderr,"Error: cannot write to \"%s\"\n", azArg[1]);        }        p->out = stdout;        rc = 1;      } else {        sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(p->outfile), p->outfile, "%s", azArg[1]);      }    }

The .output command of the SQLite shell is a feature of that shell (along with all the other commands that begin with .). If you're working with the C interface, you should do a query to fetch the rows you want, and iterate over them writing them one at a time to the file.

Adapting from the sample code found in this tutorial

static int callback(void *handle, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName) {     FILE *f = handle;     int i;     const char *sep = "";     for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {         fprintf(f, "%s\"%s\"", sep, argv[i]);         sep = ", ";     }     fprintf(f, "\n");     return 0;}
const char *sql = "SELECT * FROM sample;";sqlite3 *db;FILE *f = fopen("sample.csv", "w"); // ought to check for errors here; demo code!char *errs = NULL;if (sqlite3_open("data.db", &db)) {    fprintf(stderr, "Can't open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));    sqlite3_close(db);    exit(1);}if (sqlite3_exec(db, sql, callback, f, &errs) != SQLITE_OK)    fprintf(stderr, "SQL error: %s\n", errs);sqlite3_close(db);

The post seems a bit old, but I just want to update for any visitor looking for similar information. There is an open source C/C++ API for SQLite3 database import/export functions.

The API can be accessed via here