Failed to read row 0, column 0 from a CursorWindow which has 0 rows, 64 columns Failed to read row 0, column 0 from a CursorWindow which has 0 rows, 64 columns sqlite sqlite

Failed to read row 0, column 0 from a CursorWindow which has 0 rows, 64 columns

I finished my solution and it works fine now. Basically, the bottom line is that it is not ideal to store large data in a sqlite database on android. When working with images, rather store just the URI and keep the image on the device. HOWEVER, if you must, then I recommend to not load all image data into the same cursor, split them up and do multiple queries.

Please see my answer here

This error occurs when your images are of large size. Either store the url of the image or compress the image before storing.