Fetching complex data using FMDB Fetching complex data using FMDB sqlite sqlite

Fetching complex data using FMDB

What I can suggest is:

  • Refine your SQL statement. Instead of 2 loops, you can simply change your statement into "SELECT * FROM OffreMarket WHERE codeOffer IN (SELECT code FROM Offer)". If you want to use column "name" in table "Offer", you can join two tables "codeOffer" and "Offer". The rule of thumb here is to avoid too many loops but try to combine or refine your SQL statement.

  • Create index for column "code" in table "Offer". It will speed up your searching a lot. For example, once in one of my project, I had to work on a SQL table with 36K records. With a simple index set to the primary key column, I managed to reduce the searching time on that table by 10 seconds.

In this case you can get the results with just one query:

select * from Offerleft outer join OffreMarket OM on (OM.codeOffer = Offer.code)

If you are using FMDB as a wrapper than here is your answer:

@try {    // Select Contact Details From Modules    NSString *selectSQL = [NSString stringWithFormat:                           @"SELECT * FROM %@ INNER JOIN %@ ON %@.%@=%@.%@ ;",                           OffreMarket,                           Offer,                           OffreMarket                           code                           Offer                           code];    //NSLog*(@"Get All Offers select SQL: %@", selectSQL);    FMResultSet *resultSet = [db executeQuery:selectSQL];    NSMutableArray *marketOffers = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];    while ([resultSet next]) {        // Create Offers Details Modal        Offer *offer = [[Offer alloc] init];         offer.code = [resultSet stringForKey:@"code"];         offer.name = [resultSet stringForKey:@"name"];        [marketOffers addObject: offer];    }    return (NSArray *)infos;}@catch (NSException *exception) {    //NSLog*(@"%@ : %@",exception.name,exception.reason);    return nil;}return nil;

Try above Code..it will get you all the data in minimum time. FMDB is nice choice for database operation.