FireDac get the count of rows affected by FDQuery.execsql command FireDac get the count of rows affected by FDQuery.execsql command sqlite sqlite

FireDac get the count of rows affected by FDQuery.execsql command

There are a lot of ways.

n := FDConnection1.ExecSQL('UPDATE table1 SET col1=''abc'' WHERE id<100');

Executes a SQL command and returns the number of affected rows.

FDQuery.SQL.Text:='UPDATE table1 SET col1=''abc'' WHERE id<100';FDQuery.ExecSQL;n := FDQuery.RowsAffected;

Getting DBMS Feedback

Use the TFDQuery.RowsAffected property to get the number of rows processed by the command (for example, the number of deleted rows by the DELETE command.) Note: For MS SQL Server, RowsAffected can be unexpectedly equal to -1 when a stored procedure or a table trigger omits SET NOCOUNT ON. Then, use the TFDQuery.RecordCount property to get the number of fetched rows.

FDQuery.SQL.Text:='UPDATE table1 SET col1=''abc'' WHERE id<100';FDQuery.ExecSQL;FDQuery.SQL.Text:='SELECT changes()';FDQuery.Open;n := FDQuery.Fields[0].AsInteger;

PSExecuteStatement returns the number of rows affected by executing ASQL.

I do not know if AnyDAC implements this though.