FMDB ios no such table FMDB ios no such table sqlite sqlite

FMDB ios no such table

A couple of thoughts:

  1. I'd confirm the database has been added to your bundle. Go to your target settings, select "Build Phases", expand "Copy Bundle Resources", and make sure your database is listed there. If not, click on the "+" button and add it.


  2. I'd reset your simulator. If you ever ran the app and didn't copy the database properly, it would have created a blank database for you in your documents folder. By resetting your simulator, you can get rid of any blank databases that might be there.

  3. If it's still not working, I'd check the bundle database in your simulator. Navigate to the simulator folder (~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator), find the app, open up the bundle (by control clicking on the app itself and say "show package contents"), and check the database in there and make sure it has your table1.

After adding the Database file please select that and Tick Mark Target Membership.

Check the attached file