Generate SQL for SQLite database from Entity Framework Model Generate SQL for SQLite database from Entity Framework Model sqlite sqlite

Generate SQL for SQLite database from Entity Framework Model

I was looking for a solution to this, when I stumbled upon this link:

Place the file in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Entity Framework Tools\DBGen and you should be able to choose this as the DDL Generation Template in the Entity Designer.

Once you do that, the model will create SQL suited for SQLite.

The file seems to have a bug where primary keys are not defined for tables that have a single primary key that is not of the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT variety.

The simplest change I found that does the trick is to change line 105 of the .tt file from:

if (keyCount > 1)


if (keyCount > 1 | (keyCount > 0 & autoIncreaseFieldName == string.Empty))