Getting list of subfolders name and files name in android source package Getting list of subfolders name and files name in android source package sqlite sqlite

Getting list of subfolders name and files name in android source package

I suggest you put the .sql file in assets folder. By doing that, you are free to manipulate your file with File IO API.

Sorry all, i just now put it in bounty but i'm able to resolve it by myself by the short time after i put it in bounty. Anyway, my solution is to open the apk file that inside the android device (data/app/....apk) as a zip stream. Then list all the file that start with com/ods/scm/script/update. Here my method to get all file that start with it :

public ArrayList openApk(String filePath){  ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();  FileInputStream fis = null;  ZipInputStream zipIs = null;  ZipEntry zEntry = null;  try {      fis = new FileInputStream(filePath);      zipIs = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(fis));      while((zEntry = zipIs.getNextEntry()) != null){        if(zEntry.getName().startsWith("com/ods/scm/script/update/"))          list.add(zEntry.getName());      }      zipIs.close();  } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {      e.printStackTrace();  } catch (IOException e) {      e.printStackTrace();  }  return list;}