HEROKU - cannot run git push heroku master [duplicate] HEROKU - cannot run git push heroku master [duplicate] sqlite sqlite

HEROKU - cannot run git push heroku master [duplicate]

Add this to your Gemfile,

group :production do  gem 'pg'endgroup :development, :test do  gem 'sqlite3'end

then do a bundle then repush to heroku. You cannot use sqlite3 on Heroku - which is the cause of the error.

If you're still having the problem after removing sqlite3 from the Gemfile (or making it development-only) is that you haven't re-updated the file in the eyes of Heroku because it relies on Git.

Quite simply:

git add Gemfilegit commit -m "Removed sqlite3 from Gemfile"git push heroku master

I bashed my head against this for a while before realizing that the changes weren't "taking" because I hadn't actually committed them to Heroku.

This is what worked for me after a day of trying every fix prescribed in the numerous forums!First of all if you are using the Rails Tutorial book or online you need to move to the second version (there is a beta version online at http://ruby.railstutorial.org/).

Open up your editor and add in the lines to your Gemfile:

group :production do        gem 'pg', '0.12.2'  end  group :development do      gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.4'  end

Now you also need to commit your new edited Gemfile to Heroku so the next steps are in order.

git add Gemfile  git commit -m "Put Sqlite3 into development in the Gemfile"  git push heroku master