How can I use the Like Operator with a Parameter in a SQLite query? How can I use the Like Operator with a Parameter in a SQLite query? sqlite sqlite

How can I use the Like Operator with a Parameter in a SQLite query?

The wildcard % should be added to the parameter value, not to the parameter name

const string qry = "SELECT SiteNum FROM WorkTable WHERE WTName LIKE @wtName";using (SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(HHSUtils.GetDBConnection())){    con.Open();    SQLiteCommand cmd = new SQLiteCommand(qry, con);    cmd.Parameters.Add(new SQLiteParameter("@wtName", tableName + "%"));    siteNum = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());}

And, I am not sure if it matters here, but, usually, I insert the parameter name with the exact name used in the placeholder ( @wtName )

Easiest way to do this is to use '||'

Use :

const string qry = "SELECT SiteNum FROM WorkTable WHERE WTName LIKE @wtName || '%' ";

Instead Of:

const string qry = "SELECT SiteNum FROM WorkTable WHERE WTName LIKE @wtName%";

Try defining query like this:

const string qry = "SELECT SiteNum FROM WorkTable WHERE WTName LIKE @wtName + '%'";