How to insert Arraylist into sqlite in Android ? How to insert Arraylist into sqlite in Android ? sqlite sqlite

How to insert Arraylist into sqlite in Android ?

I have solve my problem, put all cursor.getString(1) in List and then check it one by one with this code :

public void insertTableMarital(        String master_id,        String anggota,        String nama,        String ttl        ) {    List<String> test= new ArrayList<String>();String selectQuery = "SELECT master_id,anggota FROM table_marital " +        "where master_id='"+Menu_SPPAJ.getX()+"'";SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery(selectQuery, null);if(cursor.getCount()>0){    cursor.moveToPosition(cursor.getCount() - 1);    if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {        do {            test.add(cursor.getString(1));        } while (cursor.moveToNext());    }         Log.i("TES LAIN", PemegangPolis.getStrAnggota());    if (!(test.contains(PemegangPolis.getStrAnggota()))){    ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();    cv.put("master_id",  master_id);    cv.put("anggota", anggota);    cv.put("nama", nama);    cv.put("ttl", ttl);    getWritableDatabase().insert("table_marital",null, cv);    }    else {        System.out.println("udah ada");    }        }   else {    ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();    cv.put("master_id",  master_id);    cv.put("anggota", anggota);    cv.put("nama", nama);    cv.put("ttl", ttl);    getWritableDatabase().insert("table_marital",null, cv);}}

You need to call cursor.moveToFirst() before you are able to use it, at the moment it is pointing to before the first (if any) entry