How to migrate exsiting sqlite table to ROOM Db which have data types like VCHAR, TIMESTAMP? How to migrate exsiting sqlite table to ROOM Db which have data types like VCHAR, TIMESTAMP? sqlite sqlite

How to migrate exsiting sqlite table to ROOM Db which have data types like VCHAR, TIMESTAMP?

Yes, There is a problem in TIMESTAMP and VARCHARyou should change it to:

    static final Migration MIGRATION_1_2 = new Migration(1, 2) {    @Override    public void migrate(SupportSQLiteDatabase database) {        // Create the new table        database.execSQL(                "CREATE TABLE users_new (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,api_response_json TEXT, api_req TEXT,post_params TEXT,req_type TEXT,timestamp TEXT)");        // Copy the data        database.execSQL("INSERT INTO users_new (id,api_response_json, api_req,post_params,req_type,timestamp) "                + "SELECT id,api_response_json, api_req,post_params, req_type,timestamp "                + "FROM old_Table_name");        // Remove the old table        database.execSQL("DROP TABLE old_Table_name");        // Change the table name to the correct one        database.execSQL("ALTER TABLE users_new RENAME TO old_Table_name");}    };

the answer was inside your migration error