How to prepare a statement from the CLI interpreter? How to prepare a statement from the CLI interpreter? sqlite sqlite

How to prepare a statement from the CLI interpreter?

CLI was not designed for such. For this you must use an SQLite API on an available programming language.

You may also write a batch/shell file to handle CLI call.

E.g., in Windows a file named User.bat like following:

@SQLITE3.EXE some.db "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE username='%~1'"

May be called like this:

User "jeffatwood"

will perform desired result.


About prepared/compiled statements: with those you can bind parameters, fetch queries row by row and repeat same command in a faster manner.

sqlite3 CLI tool wouldn't take any advantage on those:

  • all parameters must be typed in SQL statement, making binding useless;
  • all query rows are returned at once, no need to fetch row by row;
  • repeated commands must be retyped - small speed improvement would result in using precompiled statements.