How to return the value of AUTO INCREMENT column in SQLite with VB6 How to return the value of AUTO INCREMENT column in SQLite with VB6 sqlite sqlite

How to return the value of AUTO INCREMENT column in SQLite with VB6

Does SQLite support SCOPE_IDENTITY?

Check out the FAQ. The sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() function will do it. Careful of triggers though

Not tested, but you should be able to send both statements in one call. It's been a while since I wrote any VB6. Also this is not SQL injection safe.

Dim oRs as Recordsetdim sSql as StringsSql = "INSERT INTO EventType (EventTypeName) VALUES ('blah'); SELECT last_insert_rowid() FROM EventType"oRs.Open sSql oConn

Run this query inside of your code:

SELECT SEQ from sqlite_sequence WHERE name='tablename'

I don't use VB, so I don't know the interface you're using with your database, but, as bendewey said, there is a function in the c API called sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() that will return the primary integer key for the last inserted row, so you could look for a similar function in your interface.

If that doesn't work, you can use the SQLite-specific query:

SELECT last_insert_rowid()