How to set SQLite(SQLite.NET component) database Version in Xamarin Android How to set SQLite(SQLite.NET component) database Version in Xamarin Android sqlite sqlite

How to set SQLite(SQLite.NET component) database Version in Xamarin Android

I´m not familiar with that "SQLiteOpenHelper", but I recently built a SQLite "migration/upgrade" manager for the Android app I´m doing. It will work with IOS as well as I´m using SQLITE-NET PCL. I´m open to hear your thoughts on this. Probably there are better ways to do it, but this is my approach:

  1. My database has some master tables (inmutable data) that needs upgrading
  2. Other tables are just user data, with foreign keys referencingmaster data. Those tables normally won´t be updated.
  3. The upgrade/migrations basically modify the master data, respectingthe current user data

Allow me to explain it with an actual case:

  1. The master data would be "Ingredients"
  2. The user data table would be "Stock"
  3. Ingredients table can be updated/upgraded when the app upgrades
  4. The user can´t modify Ingredients table, as it is master data

My code is still not perfect, as I should run every migration within a transaction, but it´s in my TODO list :)

"DatabaseMigrationService.RunMigrations()" is called when the app starts:

public interface IMigrationService{    Task RunMigrations();}public interface IMigration{    IMigration UseConnection(SQLiteAsyncConnection connection);    Task<bool> Run();}


public sealed class DatabaseMigrationService : IMigrationService    {        private ISQLite sqlite;        private ISettingsService settings;        private List<IMigration> migrations;        public DatabaseMigrationService(ISQLite sqlite, ISettingsService settings)        {            this.sqlite = sqlite;            this.settings = settings;            SetupMigrations();        }        private void SetupMigrations()        {            migrations = new List<IMigration> {                new Migration1(),                new Migration2(),                new Migration3(),                new Migration4(),                new Migration5(),                new Migration6()            };        }        public async Task RunMigrations()        {            // TODO run migrations in a transaction, otherwise, if and error is found, the app could stay in a horrible state            if (settings.DatabaseVersion < migrations.Count)            {                var connection = new SQLiteAsyncConnection(() => sqlite.GetConnectionWithLock());                while (settings.DatabaseVersion < migrations.Count)                {                    var nextVersion = settings.DatabaseVersion + 1;                    var success = await migrations[nextVersion - 1].UseConnection(connection).Run();                    if (success)                    {                        settings.DatabaseVersion = nextVersion;                    }                    else                    {                        MvxTrace.Error("Migration process stopped after error found at {0}", migrations[nextVersion - 1].GetType().Name);                        break;                    }                }            }        }    }

The logic is pretty simple. In the "while" loope we check the current database version (persisted on the device store). If there is a newer update(migration) we run it and update the persisted "DatabaseVersion" key.

As you can see, there are 2 helper classes provided in the constructor:ISQLite sqlite and ISettingsService settingsI´m using MvvmCross (this is not mandatory) and ISQLite is implemented on each platform (IOS/ANDROID). I´ll show the Android implementation:

public class SqliteAndroid : ISQLite    {        private SQLiteConnectionWithLock persistentConnection;        public SQLiteConnectionWithLock GetConnectionWithLock()        {            if (persistentConnection == null)            {                var dbFilePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal), Constants.DB_FILE_NAME);                var platform = new SQLitePlatformAndroid();                var connectionString = new SQLiteConnectionString(dbFilePath, true);                persistentConnection = new SQLiteConnectionWithLock(platform, connectionString);            }            return persistentConnection;        }    }

The settings is just a class that reads/writes simple values to the platform persistent store, based on this plugin:

public interface ISettingsService    {        int DatabaseVersion { get; set; }        [...]    }    public class SettingsService : ISettingsService    {        private string databaseVersionKey = "DatabaseVersion";        public int DatabaseVersion        {            get { return CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault(databaseVersionKey, 0); }             set            {                CrossSettings.Current.AddOrUpdateValue(databaseVersionKey, value);            }        }}

Finally, the migration code. This is the base class for migrations:

public abstract class BaseMigration : IMigration    {        protected SQLiteAsyncConnection connection;        protected string migrationName;        public IMigration UseConnection(SQLiteAsyncConnection connection)        {            this.connection = connection;            migrationName = this.GetType().Name;            return this;        }        public virtual async Task<bool> Run()        {            try            {                MvxTrace.Trace("Executing {0}", migrationName);                int result = 0;                var commands = GetCommands();                foreach (var command in commands)                {                    MvxTrace.Trace("Executing command: '{0}'", command);                    try                    {                        var commandResult = await connection.ExecuteAsync(command);                        MvxTrace.Trace("Executed command {0}. Rows affected {1}", command, commandResult);                        result = result + commandResult;                    }                    catch (Exception ex)                    {                        MvxTrace.Error("Command execution error: {0}", ex.Message);                        throw ex;                    }                }                MvxTrace.Trace("{0} completed. Rows affected {1}", migrationName, result);                return result > 0;            }            catch (Exception ex)            {                MvxTrace.Error("{0} error: {1}", migrationName, ex.Message);                return false;            }        }        protected abstract List<string> GetCommands();    }

Migration 1:

internal sealed class Migration1 : BaseMigration    {        override protected List<string> GetCommands()        {            return new List<string> {                "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"Recipes\";\n",                "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"RecipeIngredients\";\n",                "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"Ingredients\";\n",                "CREATE TABLE \"Ingredients\" (\n\t " +                "\"Id\" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n\t " +                "\"Name\" TEXT(35,0) NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE,\n\t " +                "\"Family\" INTEGER NOT NULL,\n\t " +                "\"MeasureType\" INTEGER NOT NULL,\n\t " +                "\"DaysToExpire\" INTEGER NOT NULL,\n\t " +                "\"Picture\" TEXT(100,0) NOT NULL\n" +                ");",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('1', 'Aceite', '1', '2', '730', 'z_aceite_de_oliva.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('2', 'Sal', '1', '1', '9999', 'z_sal.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('3', 'Cebolla', '3', '1', '30', 'z_cebolla.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('4', 'Naranja', '4', '1', '21', 'z_naranja.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('5', 'Bacalao', '5', '1', '2', 'z_bacalao.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('6', 'Yogur', '6', '2', '21', 'z_yogur.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('7', 'Garbanzos', '7', '1', '185', 'z_garbanzos.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('8', 'Pimienta', '8', '1', '3', 'z_pimienta.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('9', 'Chocolate', '9', '1', '90', 'z_chocolate.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('10', 'Ketchup', '10', '2', '365', 'z_ketchup.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('11', 'Espinaca', '3', '1', '5', 'z_espinaca.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('12', 'Limón', '4', '3', '30', 'z_limon.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('13', 'Calamar', '5', '1', '2', 'z_calamares.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('14', 'Mantequilla', '6', '1', '21', 'z_mantequilla.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('15', 'Perejil', '8', '1', '7', 'z_perejil.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('16', 'Cacao', '9', '1', '365', 'z_cacao.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('17', 'Mayonesa', '10', '2', '7', 'z_mayonesa.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('18', 'Arroz', '7', '1', '999', 'z_arroz.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('19', 'Pepino', '3', '1', '15', 'z_pepino.jpg');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('20', 'Frambuesa', '4', '1', '3', 'z_frambuesa.jpg');"            };        }    }

Migration 2:

internal sealed class Migration2 : BaseMigration    {        override protected List<string> GetCommands()        {            return new List<string> {                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('21', 'Otros (líquidos)', '0', '2', '365', 'z_otros_liquidos.png');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('22', 'Otros (sólidos)', '0', '1', '365', 'z_otros_solidos.png');\n",                "INSERT INTO \"Ingredients\" VALUES ('23', 'Otros (unidades)', '0', '3', '365', 'z_otros_unidades.png');"            };        }    }

Example of migration with update commands:

internal sealed class Migration4 : BaseMigration    {        protected override List<string> GetCommands()        {            return new List<string> {                "UPDATE Ingredients SET MeasureType = 3, Name = 'Ajo (diente)' WHERE Id = 106",                "UPDATE Ingredients SET MeasureType = 3 WHERE Id = 116",            };        }    }

I hope this helps. Anyway if someone knows a better way to do this, please, share

Did you create a sqlite helper in Android-Xamarin ?

Create a class which extends SqliteHelper

private class DatabaseHelper : SQLiteOpenHelper{    internal DatabaseHelper(Context context)        : base(context, dBName, null, databaseVersion){    }    public override void OnCreate(SQLiteDatabase db){       db = SQLiteDatabase.OpenDatabase (destinationPath, null, 0);    }    public override void OnUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion){        Log.Wtf(tag, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");        this.OnCreate(db);    }}

P.S It has onCreate and onUpgrade methods to help you.