How to speed up query with multiple INNER JOINs How to speed up query with multiple INNER JOINs sqlite sqlite

How to speed up query with multiple INNER JOINs

As requested, I'm reposting my previous comment as an actual answer (when I first posted the comment I was not able, for some reason, to post it as an answer):

MS Access is very aggressive about indexing columns on your behalf, whereas SQLite will require you to explicitly create the indexes you need. So, it's possible that Access has indexed either [Description] or [D] for you but that those indexes are missing in SQLite. I don't have experience with that amount of JOIN activity in SQLite. I used it in one Django project with a relatively small amount of data and did not detect any performance issues.

Do you have issues with referencial integrity? I ask because have the impression you've got unnecessary joins, so I re-wrote your query as:

SELECT DISTINCT        t.[oCode] AS OptionCode,        t.[descShort] AS OptionDescription   FROM DESCRIPTIONS t  JOIN tbl_D_H h ON h.[D] = t.[oCode]                AND h.[oType] = 'STANDARD'  JOIN tbl_D_J j ON j.[D] = t.[oCode]                AND j.[oType] = 'STANDARD'  JOIN tbl_Y_D d ON d.[D] = t.[oCode]                AND d.[Y] = '41'                AND d.[oType] ='STANDARD' WHERE t.[oMod] = 'D'

If DESCRIPTIONS and tbl_D_E have multiple row scans then oCode and D should be indexed. Look at example here to see how to index and tell how many row scans there are (

This might fix it though ..


etc ....

Indexing correctly is one piece of the puzzle that can easily double, triple or more the speed of the query.