How to upgrade database version in SQLite.swift and add new column in table in swift How to upgrade database version in SQLite.swift and add new column in table in swift sqlite sqlite

How to upgrade database version in SQLite.swift and add new column in table in swift

I have not tried, but you may try this.In Swift you can create a new extension file for connection class.

extension Connection {    public var userVersion: Int32 {        get { return Int32(try! scalar("PRAGMA user_version") as! Int64)}        set { try! run("PRAGMA user_version = \(newValue)") }    }}

caution: please check the syntax of the below code, as I can not judge your variables

Your table is created as per your code, if table does not exist.

//in viewdidLoad of viewcontrollerif db.userVersion == 0 {    // handle first migration    do     {        let offlineLocationTable = sqliteOfflineLocationTable.offlineLocationTable.create(ifNotExists: true) { (table) in            table.column(, primaryKey: true)            table.column(sqliteOfflineLocationTable.status)            table.column(sqliteOfflineLocationTable.loadid)            table.column(sqliteOfflineLocationTable.jobid)            table.column(            table.column(sqliteOfflineLocationTable.lng)            // any other table entries        }        try            // on complete of first table creation change the version        db.userVersion = 1    } catch {        print(error)    }}if db.userVersion == 1 {    // handle second migration    // Here we add New Column in table     do     {        try, defaultValue: ""))        // any other modifications        db.userVersion = 2    } catch {        print(error)    }}

Now write your any other code.