How to write WHERE IN clause from a dynamic ArrayList for Android SQLite query How to write WHERE IN clause from a dynamic ArrayList for Android SQLite query sqlite sqlite

How to write WHERE IN clause from a dynamic ArrayList for Android SQLite query

You can use the Android TextUtils class join method to make a comma separated list of IDs to put in the in clause.

String selection = KEY_GROUP_ID + " IN (" + TextUtils.join(", ", groupIds) + ")";return db.query(TABLE_CUSTOMERS, new String[] { KEY_CUSTOMER_ID, KEY_NAME}, selection, null, null, null, null);

BTW if groupIds is a list of primary keys from another table you should be using Longs to store them not Integers otherwise it will overflow when the IDs get large.

return db.query(TABLE_CUSTOMERS, new String[] { KEY_CUSTOMER_ID, KEY_NAME }, KEY_GROUP_ID + " >=" + groupIdsLowLimit + " and " + KEY_GROUP_ID + " <=" + groupIdsUpLimit, null, null, null, null);String where = "";for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {    where = where + KEY_GROUP_ID + " =" + list.get(i).toString() + "";    if (i != (list.size() - 1))        where = where + " or";}return db.query(TABLE_CUSTOMERS, new String[] { KEY_CUSTOMER_ID, KEY_NAME }, where, null, null, null, null);

I want to add something in @JosephL's answer as per my study:

I have two ArrayList with following values:

First ArrayList (in First Column) have duplicate values and Second ArrayList (in Second Column) has unique values.

=> 67 : 35=> 67 : 36=> 70 : 41=> 70 : 42

Printing both after processing as below:

  1. First Array : "(" + TextUtils.join(",", arrayList1) + ")"
  2. Second Array : "(" + TextUtils.join(",", arrayList2) + ")"
  3. First Array (Remove Duplicates using new HashSet<>(arrayList1)):

    "(" + TextUtils.join(",", new HashSet<>(arrayList1)) + ")"

    => First Array : (67,67,70,70)

    => Second Array : (35,36,41,42)

    => First Array (Remove Duplicates using new HashSet<>(arrayList1)): (67,70)

Hope it will useful. Thanks.