inspecting android sqlite and IntelliJ inspecting android sqlite and IntelliJ sqlite sqlite

inspecting android sqlite and IntelliJ

You can download the database file from the device to your PC and then use any SQLite browser / tool to inspect the database.

Either via the adb commandline tool from the Android SDK tools

adb pull /data/data/

or via the device browser (File Explorer) in Eclipse in the DDMS perpective (maybe that exists in IntelliJ too, Idk)

or the new Android SDK tools provide a neat standalone version of that DDMS perspective & the file explorer via the new Device Monitor tool (android-sdk/tools/monitor.bat)

A partner found a more dynamic solution, using an ADB plug-in you can simply choose the database and refresh the inspector any time you want

first, you need to download the plug in jar to releases and choose the latest)

then place the jar into [YourAndroidSdkDirectory]/tools/lib/monitor-x86_64/plugins/

Restart ADB

Done! now run an emulator, create your database and browse in the ADB to find it on data/data/ ...Select it and click new the Database buton up right(you may not see the button before selecting the database file)

