iOS SQLite FMDB Transactions.. Correct usage? iOS SQLite FMDB Transactions.. Correct usage? sqlite sqlite

iOS SQLite FMDB Transactions.. Correct usage?

You could also use FMDatabaseQueue to handle your transactions, which is part of fmdb:

[queue inTransaction:^(FMDatabase *db, BOOL *rollback) {    [db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO myTable VALUES (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:1]];    [db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO myTable VALUES (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:2]];    [db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO myTable VALUES (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:3]];    if (whoopsSomethingWrongHappened) {        *rollback = YES;        return;    }    // etc…    [db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO myTable VALUES (?)", [NSNumber numberWithInt:4]];}];


I wouldn't try to do the second update if the first failed.

bool ret = false;[fmdb beginTransaction];ret = [fmdb executeUpdate:@"query1"];if (ret){    ret = [fmdb executeUpdate:@"query2"];    if (!ret)    {         // report error 2    }}if(ret) {    if (![fmdb commit])    {        // panic!    }}else{    if (![fmdb rollback])    {        // panic!    }}

For paranoid robustness you should have a try ... catch block in case anything throws an exception. If you do, you can use it to your advantage.

[fmdb beginTransaction];@try{    if (![fmdb executeUpdate:@"query1"])    {        // report error        @throw someExcpetion;    }    if (![fmdb executeUpdate:@"query2"])    {        // report error        @throw someExcpetion;    }    [fmdb commit]}@catch(NSException* e){    [fmdb rollback];    // rethrow if not one of the two exceptions above}

Swift way:

let queue = FMDatabaseQueue(path: databaseURL.path!)queue.inTransaction() {    db, rollback in    result = db.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO client VALUES (NULL, ?)", ?? "")    if result {        client.ID = Int(db.lastInsertRowId())    } else {        rollback.initialize(true)        print("\(__FUNCTION__) insert into table failed: \(db.lastErrorMessage())")    }}queue.close()