Is it possible to create a javascript User-defined function in sqlite Is it possible to create a javascript User-defined function in sqlite sqlite sqlite

Is it possible to create a javascript User-defined function in sqlite

Yes. It is possible to call javascript functions

//(thanks to Mirnal Kant, SQLManager)//Version 2 -- Prevent Firefox crashing //          -- Suspect a problem with continual creation of Regex objectsvar g_RegExpString = null;var g_RegExp = null;//functions to be created for the dbvar smDbFunctions = {   // (0) = Regex Expression  // (1) = Column value to test    regexp: {        onFunctionCall: function(val) {            if (g_RegExp == null || val.getString(0) != g_RegExpString)             {                g_RegExpString = val.getString(0);                g_RegExp = new RegExp(g_RegExpString);            }            if (val.getString(1).match(g_RegExp)) return 1;            else return 0;        }    }}; 

after instantiating a SQLite instance:

Database.createFunction("REGEXP", 2, smDbFunctions.regexp);

What Noah is talking about has been included into SQLite Manager add-on for Firefox.

When you start this add-on, you can click the icon labeled f(x) to open the User-defined functions tab. From there, select a directory in which you have an SQLite database named smFunctions.sqlite, with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE "functions"          ( "name"        TEXT    PRIMARY KEY  NOT NULL                                  , "body"        TEXT                 NOT NULL                                  , "argLength"   INTEGER                                  , "aggregate"   INTEGER              NOT NULL DEFAULT 0                                  , "enabled"     INTEGER              NOT NULL DEFAULT 1                                  , "extraInfo"   TEXT                                  );CREATE TABLE "aggregateFunctions" ( "name"        TEXT    PRIMARY KEY  NOT NULL                                  , "argLength"   INTEGER                                  , "onStepBody"  TEXT                                  , "onFinalBody" TEXT                                  , "enabled"     INTEGER              NOT NULL DEFAULT 1                                  , "extraInfo"   TEXT                                  );

Inside that table you can define custom functions. Parameters will be passed as an array named aValues. For example:

INSERT INTO "functions" ("name", "body", "argLength", "aggregate", "enabled", "extraInfo")VALUES('regexp_replace'      ,'// exemple : SELECT regexp_replace(''FOOBAR'',''o+'',''a'',''gi'')        var input      = new String(aValues.getString(0));        var regex      = new String(aValues.getString(1));        var substitute = new String(aValues.getString(2));        var flags      = new String(aValues.getString(3));        return input.replace(new RegExp(regex,flags), substitute);       '      ,4      ,0      ,1      ,''      );
  • if argLength == -1, then there is no limit on the number of arguments. You can get the count with aValues.numEntries.
  • You can use aValues.getTypeOfIndex(i) to know the type of the argument: 0 => NULL, 1 => Integer (aValues.getInt64(i)), 2 => Real (aValues.getDouble(i)), 3 => String, see example.

For aggregate functions you can use this._store as an initially empty array to push the elements during the onStepBody phase, and read from it in onStepFinal to compute the final result.

Below is a bash script that will create smFunctions.sqlite with some custom functions (this is a .dump of my own smFunctions.sqlite):

sqlite smFunctions.sqlite << EOFPRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;BEGIN TRANSACTION;CREATE TABLE "functions" ("name" TEXT PRIMARY KEY  NOT NULL, "body" TEXT NOT NULL, "argLength" INTEGER, "aggregate" INTEGER NOT NULL  DEFAULT 0, "enabled" INTEGER NOT NULL  DEFAULT 1, "extraInfo" TEXT);INSERT INTO "functions" VALUES('accumulate','var sum = 0;for (var j = 0; j < aValues.numEntries; j++) {    sum += aValues.getInt32(j);}return sum;',-1,0,1,NULL);INSERT INTO "functions" VALUES('concatenate','var valArr = [];var delim = new String(aValues.getString(0));for (var j = 1; j < aValues.numEntries; j++) {    switch (aValues.getTypeOfIndex(j)) {    case 0:        //NULL        valArr.push(null);        break;    case 1:        //INTEGER        valArr.push(aValues.getInt64(j));        break;    case 2:        //REAL        valArr.push(aValues.getDouble(j));        break;    case 3:        //TEXT    default:        valArr.push(aValues.getString(j));    }}return valArr.join(delim);',-1,0,1,NULL);INSERT INTO "functions" VALUES('regexp_match','var regExp = new RegExp(aValues.getString(0));var strVal = new String(aValues.getString(1));if (strVal.match(regExp)) {    return 1;}else {    return 0;}',2,0,1,NULL);INSERT INTO "functions" VALUES('regexp_replace','// exemple : regexp_replace(''toto'',''o+'',''a'',''g'')var input      = new String(aValues.getString(0));var regex      = new String(aValues.getString(1));var substitute = new String(aValues.getString(2));var flags      = new String(aValues.getString(3));return input.replace(new RegExp(regex,flags), substitute);',4,0,1,NULL);INSERT INTO "functions" VALUES('instr','var char = new String(aValues.getString(0));var str  = new String(aValues.getString(1));return str.indexOf(char, 0) + 1;',2,0,1,NULL);INSERT INTO "functions" VALUES('rinstr','var char = new String(aValues.getString(0));var str  = new String(aValues.getString(1));return str.lastIndexOf(char) + 1;',2,0,1,NULL);CREATE TABLE "aggregateFunctions" ("name" TEXT PRIMARY KEY  NOT NULL, "argLength" INTEGER, "onStepBody" TEXT, "onFinalBody" TEXT, "enabled" INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, "extraInfo" TEXT);INSERT INTO "aggregateFunctions" VALUES('stdDev',1,'this._store.push(aValues.getInt32(0));','var iLength = this._store.length;let total = 0;this._store.forEach(function(elt) { total += elt });let mean = total / iLength;let data = {  let value = elt - mean;  return value * value;});total = 0;data.forEach(function(elt) { total += elt });this._store = [];return Math.sqrt(total / iLength);',1,NULL);INSERT INTO "aggregateFunctions" VALUES('longest_prefix',1,'this._store.push(aValues.getString(0));','if (this._store.length == 0) {        return "";}var prefix = this._store[0];var prefixLen = prefix.length;for (var i = 1; i < this._store.length && prefixLen > 0; i++) {        var word = this._store[i];        // The next line assumes 1st char of word and prefix always match.        // Initialize matchLen to -1 to test entire word.        var matchLen = 0;        var maxMatchLen = Math.min(word.length, prefixLen);        while (++matchLen < maxMatchLen) {                if (word.charAt(matchLen) != prefix.charAt(matchLen)) {                        break;                }        }        prefixLen = matchLen;}return prefix.substring(0, prefixLen);',1,NULL);COMMIT;EOF