Laravel eloquent select first row of each group by Laravel eloquent select first row of each group by sqlite sqlite

Laravel eloquent select first row of each group by

My problem is solved by @zerofl4g's help.

This eloquent helped by @zerofl4g.

$query->select(DB::raw("SELECT MIN(id), name, subj_id FROM tutorials WHERE completed = 0 GROUP BY subj_id"));

It doesn't work for me but help me a lot. I don't know the precise reason why not worked form me but I think I am using it as subquery. So I got duplicate select and from errors. It must surely work for someone who want to use as single query.

My solution is just select columns with DB::raw and ->from('tutorials') is also optional, as it is subquery of a long query

$query->select(DB::raw('MIN(id) as id, name, subj_id'))->from('tutorials')->where('completed', false)->groupBy('subj_id');

Final eloquent I am using is

$query->select(DB::raw('MIN(id) as id, name, subj_id'))->where('completed', false)->groupBy('subj_id');`

Hope to be helpful.

If you want to return first row in group by, you can try the code below. I think what you want to get is the latest chapter in the subject that not finish.

$data = Tutorial::where('completed', 0)->get();$groups = $data->groupBy('subj_id');$results = [];foreach($groups as $group) {    $results[] = head($group);}return $results;
  1. Get all tutorials row

  2. Then, group by subj_id. The data you get is like below

{    1: [{        id: "2",        name: "chapter 2",        subj_id: "1",        completed: "0"    }, {        id: "3",        name: "chapter 3",        subj_id: "1",        completed: "0"    }],    2: [{        id: "6",        name: "chapter 3",        subj_id: "2",        completed: "0"    }, {        id: "7",        name: "chapter 4",        subj_id: "2",        completed: "0"    }]}
  1. Foreach each group and get the minimum id by using head() helper function in laravel.

Correct query will be like

$query->where('completed', false)->get()->groupBy('subj_id');

get() will be call first before groupBy. I mean once get() make collection you can use all collection method. for more details and know all collection method