Multiple SQL joins Multiple SQL joins sqlite sqlite

Multiple SQL joins

It will be something like this:

SELECT b.Title, b.Edition, b.Year, b.Pages, b.Rating, c.Category, p.Publisher, w.LastNameFROM    Books b    JOIN Categories_Book cb ON cb._ISBN = b._Books_ISBN    JOIN Category c ON c._CategoryID = cb._Categories_Category_ID    JOIN Publishers p ON p._PublisherID = b.PublisherID    JOIN Writers_Books wb ON wb._Books_ISBN = b._ISBN    JOIN Writer w ON w._WritersID = wb._Writers_WriterID

You use the join statement to indicate which fields from table A map to table B. I'm using aliases here thats why you see Books b the Books table will be referred to as b in the rest of the query. This makes for less typing.

FYI your naming convention is very strange, I would expect it to be more like this:

Book: ID, ISBN , BookTitle, Edition, Year, PublisherID, Pages, RatingCategory: ID, [Name]BookCategory: ID, CategoryID, BookIDPublisher: ID, [Name]Writer: ID, LastNameBookWriter: ID, WriterID, BookID

You can use something like this :

SELECT    Books.BookTitle,    Books.Edition,    Books.Year,    Books.Pages,    Books.Rating,    Categories.Category,    Publishers.Publisher,    Writers.LastNameFROM BooksINNER JOIN Categories_Books ON Categories_Books._Books_ISBN = Books._ISBNINNER JOIN Categories ON Categories._CategoryID = Categories_Books._Categories_Category_IDINNER JOIN Publishers ON Publishers._Publisherid = Books.PublisherIDINNER JOIN Writers_Books ON Writers_Books._Books_ISBN = Books._ISBNINNER JOIN Writers ON Writers.Writers_Books = _Writers_WriterID.

 SELECT B.Title, B.Edition, B.Year, B.Pages, B.Rating     --from Books, C.Category                                        --from Categories, P.Publisher                                       --from Publishers, W.LastName                                        --from WritersFROM Books BJOIN Categories_Books CB ON B._ISBN = CB._Books_ISBNJOIN Categories_Books CB ON CB.__Categories_Category_ID = C._CategoryIDJOIN Publishers P ON B.PublisherID = P._PublisheridJOIN Writers_Books WB ON B._ISBN = WB._Books_ISBNJOIN Writers W ON WB._Writers_WriterID = W._WriterID