Open sqlite database file inside iphone simulator? Open sqlite database file inside iphone simulator? sqlite sqlite

Open sqlite database file inside iphone simulator?

Since IOS 8 they put it in a different folder:

Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/(numbers and letters)/data/Containers/Data/Application/(numbers and letters)/Documents/

Check this answer for more info

If you want to view the database that you have created,

Open finder -> press SHIFT + Command + G -> "~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator" then go.

Open 5.0 (as per your version of simulator)-> Application-> select the pgm folder

-> Documents

enter image description here

Then you can see the database

enter image description here

Update: I made a tool to automate this

Both for Android and iOS, it's available here

Old question, but Apple seem to keep change the logic...

On macOs Sierra you can find the database location by issuing the following commands (the simulator must run during the process!)

ps aux | grep 'CoreSimulator/Devices'

The result should list the path to the simulator, for example:


Navigate to the now found simulator folder:

cd /Users/user1/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/25C1F5DA-E528-4BC2-B684-A92D382553AC/Data/Application/

This folder contains all the simulator applications

From here if you know the database name, just find it, like so:

find ./ -type f -name 'my_db.db’

And viola! You have the database path :)