ORM on Android SQLite and database scheme [closed] ORM on Android SQLite and database scheme [closed] sqlite sqlite

ORM on Android SQLite and database scheme [closed]

I am the main author of ORMLite which has a Android backend which makes calls to the native Android OS database APIs to support its ORM functionality. We have a large number of Android developers that are using the framework successfully. See here for more information:


In terms of many-to-many relationships, ORMLite does not support cascading or any of the more advanced ORM features but there are examples of easy many-to-many implementations:


For those still looking for an ORM solution, I released greenDAO some months ago. Several apps in the Android Market already use it. Unlike other Android ORM tools, one of greenDAOs primary design goals was performance. For many operations it should be multiple times faster than other solutions, e.g. it's 4-5 times faster compared to ORMLite for loading entities.

It supports relations. The documentation describes how to use relations and how you could model many-to-many relations.

Delete-cascade is a dangerous thing, and thus unsupported by greenDAO. The safer way is to delete the entities bottom-up inside a transaction.

I wrote a lightweight ORM myself and called it Androrm. As I love Django, the query syntax looks much alike. Please try and give me feedback :)

Webpage: http://androrm.com/

Also on GitHub: https://github.com/androrm/androrm