parameter passing with sqlite.execSQL function in android parameter passing with sqlite.execSQL function in android sqlite sqlite

parameter passing with sqlite.execSQL function in android

Use a variant of the insert method, which takes a ContentValues object, which allows you to use a byte array directly:

byte[] byteImage;ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();cv.put("id", id);//"blobcolumn", byteImage);sqlite.insertWithOnConflict("Stock_Table", null, cv, SQLiteDatabase.CONFLICT_REPLACE);

use this way..

@Override    public void onClick(View v) {        SQLiteDatabase myDb;                String MySQL;         int icount;         byte[] byteImage1 = null;         byte[] byteImage2 = null;         MySQL="create table emp1(_id INTEGER primary key autoincrement, fio TEXT not null, picture BLOB);";           myDb = openOrCreateDatabase("/sdcard/MyDB.db", Context.MODE_PRIVATE, null);      //     myDb.execSQL(MySQL);          String s=myDb.getPath();          textView.append("\r\n" + s+"\r\n");                  myDb.execSQL("delete from emp1");           ContentValues newValues = new ContentValues();           newValues.put("fio", "hello dude");          /////////// insert picture to blob field /////////////////////           try          {          FileInputStream instream = new FileInputStream("/sdcard/sunil.png");           BufferedInputStream bif = new BufferedInputStream(instream);           byteImage1 = new byte[bif.available()]; ;           textView.append("\r\n" + byteImage1.length+"\r\n");           newValues.put("picture", byteImage1);           long ret = myDb.insert("emp1", null, newValues);           if(ret<0)          textView.append("\r\n!!! Error add blob filed!!!\r\n");          } catch (IOException e)           {              textView.append("\r\n!!! Error: " + e+"!!!\r\n");             }        ////////////Read data ////////////////////////////          Cursor cur = myDb.query("emp1",null, null, null, null, null, null);          cur.moveToFirst();          while (cur.isAfterLast() == false)          {              textView.append("\r\n" + cur.getString(1)+"\r\n");              cur.moveToNext();          }        ///////Read data from blob field////////////////////          cur.moveToFirst();          byteImage2=cur.getBlob(cur.getColumnIndex("picture"));         bmImage.setImageBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(byteImage2, 0, byteImage2.length));          textView.append("\r\n" + byteImage2.length+"\r\n");         //////////////////////////            cur.close();          myDb.close();    }