Pitfalls of using two persistent store coordinators for efficient background updates Pitfalls of using two persistent store coordinators for efficient background updates sqlite sqlite

Pitfalls of using two persistent store coordinators for efficient background updates

Great question!

I.e., an object that has not yet been fully fetched gets deleted but than we scroll up to a point where the object needs to get loaded. Is this a potential problem?

Unfortunately it'll cause problems. A following exception will be thrown:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSObjectInaccessibleException', reason: 'CoreData could not fulfill a fault for '0xc544570 <x-coredata://(...)>'

This blog post (section titled "How to do concurrency with Core Data?") might be somewhat helpful, but it doesn't exhaust this topic. I'm struggling with the same problems in an app I'm working on right now and would love to read a write-up about it.

Based on your question, comments, and my own experience, it seems the larger problem you are trying to solve is:1. Using an NSFetchedResultsController on the main thread with thread confinement2. Importing a large data set, which will insert, update, or delete managed objects in a context.3. The import causes large merge notifications to be processed by the main thread to update the UI.4. The large merge has several possible effects: - The UI gets slow, or too busy to be usable. This may be because you are using beginUpdates/endUpdates to update a tableview in your NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, and you have a LOT of animations queing up because of the large merge. - Users can run into "Could not fulfill fault" as they try to access a faulted object which has been removed from the store. The managed object context thinks it exists, but when it goes to the store to fulfill the fault the fault it's already been deleted. If you are using reloadData to update a tableview in your NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate, you are more likely to see this happen than when using beginUpdates/endUpdates.

The approach you are trying to use to solve the above issues is:- Create two NSPersistentStoreCoordinators, each attached to the same NSPersistentStore or at least the same NSPersistentStore SQLite store file URL.- Your import occurs on NSManagedObjectContext 1, attached to NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 1, and executing on some other thread(s). Your NSFetchedResultsController is using NSManagedObjectContext 2, attached to NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 2, running on the main thread.- You are moving the changes from NSManagedObjectContext 1 to 2

You will run into a few problems with this approach. - An NSPersistentStoreCoordinator's job is to mediate between it's attached NSManagedObjectContexts and it's attached stores. In the multiple-coordinator-context scenario you are describing, changes to the underlying store by NSManagedObjectContext 1 which cause a change in the SQLite file will not be seen by NSPersistentStoreCoordinator 2 and it's context. 2 does not know that 1 changed the file, and you will have "Could not fulfill fault" and other exciting exceptions.- You will still, at some point, have to put the changed NSManagedObjects from the import into NSManagedObjectContext 2. If these changes are large, you will still have UI problems and the UI will be out of sync with the store, potentially leading to "Could not fulfill fault".- In general, because NSManagedObjectContext 2 is not using the same NSPersistentStoreCoordinator as NSManagedObjectContext 1, you are going to have problems with things being out of sync. This isn't how these things are intended to be used together. If you import and save in NSManagedObjectContext 1, NSManagedObjectContext 2 is immediately in a state not consistent with the store.

Those are SOME of the things that could go wrong with this approach. Most of these problems will become visible when firing a fault, because that accesses the store. You can read more about how this process works in the Core Data Programming Guide, while the Incremental Store Programming Guide describes the process in more detail. The SQLite store follows the same process that an incremental store implementation does.

Again, the use case you are describing - getting a ton of new data, executing find-Or-Create on the data to create or update managed objects, and deleting "stale" objects that may in fact be the majority of the store - is something I have dealt with every day for several years, seeing all of the same problems you are. There are solutions - even for imports that change 60,000 complex objects at a time, and even using thread confinement! - but that is outside the scope of your question.(Hint: Parent-Child contexts don't need merge notifications).

Two Persistent Store Coordinators (pscs) is certainly the way to go with large datasets. File locking is faster than the locking within core data.

There's no reason you couldn't use the background psc to create thread confined NSManagedObjectContexts in which each is created for each operation you do in the background. However, instead of letting core data manage the queueing you now need to create NSOperationQueues and/or threads to manage the operations based on what you're doing in the background. NSManagedObjectContexts are free and not expensive. Once you do this you can hang onto your NSManagedObjectContext and only use it during that one operation and/or threads life time and build as many changes as you want and wait until the end to commit them and merge them to the main thread how ever you decide. Even if you have some main thread writes you can still at crucial points in your operations life time refetch/merge back into your threads context.

Also it's important to know that if you're working on large sets of data don't worry about merging contexts so as long as you aren't touching something else. For example if you have class A and class B and you have two seperate opertions/threads to work on them and they have no direct relationship you do not have to merge the contexts if one changes you can keep on rolling with the changes. The only major need for merging background contexts in this fashion is if there are direct relationships faulting. It would be better to prevent this though through some sort of serialization whether it be NSOperationQueue or what ever else. So feel free to work away on different objects in the background just be careful about their relationships.

I've worked on a large scale core data projects and had this pattern work very well for me.