pull a database from genymotion emulator on to local disk pull a database from genymotion emulator on to local disk sqlite sqlite

pull a database from genymotion emulator on to local disk

Try on Genymotion 2.3:

adb shell su -c cp /data/data/<package.name>/databases/<database.name> /sdcard/

and on other version :

adb shell su 0 cp /data/data/<package.name>/databases/<database.name> /sdcard/

And pull it from the device

adb pull /sdcard/<database.name>

(edited, not the same comportment of su in 2.3 and 4.3)

You can (also) pull the data from your device to your host by copying it to a shared folder:

adb shell su 0 cp /data/data/<package.name>/databases/<database.name> /mnt/shared/

Here is how to setup the shared folder:

  • Go to your VirtualBox VM setting / Shared folder tab
  • Add a shared folder with the folder you want to shared, and check the "auto mount" option
  • Start your VM as usual from the Genymotion software
  • Your shared folder is available in the /mnt/shared directory (multiple shared folders are supported)

pull database using adb commands

 adb pull /data/data/com.android.packagename/databases.datebase.db

the db will be pulled to current location where terminal is pointing to

then open db using sqliteman