pysqlite: Placeholder substitution for column or table names? pysqlite: Placeholder substitution for column or table names? sqlite sqlite

pysqlite: Placeholder substitution for column or table names?

You simply can not use placeholders for column or table names. I don't have a authoritative citation for this -- I "know" this only from having tried it and from failing. It makes some sense though:

  • If the columns and table could be parametrized, there would be littlepurpose to preparing (execute-ing) the SQL statement before fetching, since all parts of the statement could bereplaced.
  • I'm not sure about pysqlite1, but MySQLdb automatically quotes allstring parameters. Column and table names should not be quoted. So itwould complicate the parsing required by the driver if it had todecide if a placeholder represented a column or table name versus avalue that needs quoting.

In short, you've found the right way -- use string formating.

c.execute('SELECT {} FROM {} WHERE id=?'.format(column, table), row))

1 Not all drivers quote parameters -- oursql doesn't, since it sends SQL and arguments to the server separately.

As @unutbu answered, there is no way to use placeholders for table/column names. My suggestion to do what you are doing now, but to also quote the table names to protect yourself from a table or column that might have an odd name.

What does the SQL Standard say about usage of backtick(`)? already explains this to some extent, and in spite of the opinion in that answer, I would say that in your case, quoting is a good idea.