pysqlite2: ProgrammingError - You must not use 8-bit bytestrings pysqlite2: ProgrammingError - You must not use 8-bit bytestrings sqlite sqlite

pysqlite2: ProgrammingError - You must not use 8-bit bytestrings

You need to specify the encoding of filename for conversion to Unicode, for example: filename.decode('utf-8'). Just using unicode(...) picks the console encoding, which is often unreliable (and often ascii).

You should pass as Unicode the arguments of your SQL statement.

Now, it all depends on how you obtain the filename list. Perhaps you're reading the filesystem using os.listdir or os.walk? If that is the case, there is a way to have directly the filenames as Unicode just by passing a Unicode argument to either of these functions:

  • os.listdir(u'.')
  • os.walk(u'.')

Of course, you can substitute the u'.' directory with the actual directory whose contents you are reading. Just make sure it's a Unicode string.

Have you tried to pass the unicode string directly:

cursor.execute("select * from musiclibrary where absolutepath = ?;",(u'namé',))

You will need to add the file encoding at the beginning of the script:

# coding: utf-8