Python SQLite: database is locked Python SQLite: database is locked sqlite sqlite

Python SQLite: database is locked

I'm presuming you are actually using sqlite3 even though your code says otherwise. Here are some things to check:

  1. That you don't have a hung process sitting on the file (unix: $ fuser cache.db should say nothing)
  2. There isn't a cache.db-journal file in the directory with cache.db; this would indicate a crashed session that hasn't been cleaned up properly.
  3. Ask the database shell to check itself: $ sqlite3 cache.db "pragma integrity_check;"
  4. Backup the database $ sqlite3 cache.db ".backup cache.db.bak"
  5. Remove cache.db as you probably have nothing in it (if you are just learning) and try your code again
  6. See if the backup works $ sqlite3 cache.db.bak ".schema"

Failing that, read Things That Can Go Wrong and How to Corrupt Your Database Files

Set the timeout parameter in your connect call, as in:

connection = sqlite.connect('cache.db', timeout=10)

I know this is old, but I'm still getting the problem and this is the first link on Google for it. OP said his issue was that the .db was sitting on a SMB share, which was exactly my situation. My ten minutes' research indicates that this is a known conflict between sqlite3 and smb; I've found bug reports going back to 2007.

I resolved it by adding the "nobrl" option to my smb mount line in /etc/fstab, so that line now looks like this:

//SERVER/share /mnt/point cifs credentials=/path/to/.creds,sec=ntlm,nobrl 0 0

This option prevents your SMB client from sending byte range locks to the server. I'm not too up on my SMB protocol details, but I best I can tell this setting would mostly be of concern in a multi-user environment, where somebody else might be trying to write to the same db as you. For a home setup, at least, I think it's safe enough.

My relevant versions:

  • Mint 17.1 Rebecca
  • SMB v4.1.6-Ubuntu
  • Python v3.4.0
  • SQLite v3.8.2
  • Network share is hosted on a Win12R2 server