query sqlite error out of memory xcode query sqlite error out of memory xcode sqlite sqlite

query sqlite error out of memory xcode

The "out of memory" error is often a misleading error message caused by trying to use a database without having opened it first (or if you accidentally set the sqlite3 database pointer to NULL). For example:

sqlite3 *db = NULL;sqlite3_stmt *statement;int rc;// deliberately did not open database -- ERROR// now try to use SQLite without opening databaseif ((rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select * from test", -1, &statement, NULL)) != SQLITE_OK)    NSLog(@"rc=%d errmsg=%s", rc, sqlite3_errmsg(db));

This will generate a return code (rc) of 21, SQLITE_MISUSE. And the error message is a misleading "out of memory":

2014-05-11 17:36:22.035 MyApp[19942:60b] rc=21 errmsg=out of memory