Rails is messing up BigDecimals by throwing in Floating Point Logic Rails is messing up BigDecimals by throwing in Floating Point Logic sqlite sqlite

Rails is messing up BigDecimals by throwing in Floating Point Logic

Your problem is that you're using SQLite and SQLite doesn't have native support for numeric(m,n) data types. From the fine manual:

1.0 Storage Classes and Datatypes

Each value stored in an SQLite database (or manipulated by the database engine) has one of the following storage classes:

  • NULL. The value is a NULL value.
  • INTEGER. The value is a signed integer, stored in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 bytes depending on the magnitude of the value.
  • REAL. The value is a floating point value, stored as an 8-byte IEEE floating point number.
  • TEXT. The value is a text string, stored using the database encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16BE or UTF-16LE).
  • BLOB. The value is a blob of data, stored exactly as it was input.

Read further down that page to see how SQLite's type system works.

Your 99.99 may be BigDecimal.new('99.99') in your Ruby code but it is almost certainly the REAL value 99.99 (i.e. an eight byte IEEE floating point value) inside SQLite and there goes the neighborhood.

So switch to a better database in your development environment; in particular, develop on top of whatever database you're going to be deploying on.

Don't use floating point for monetary values

Yes, exactly, SQLite is messing up your BigDecimal values.

The fundamental problem is that the FP format cannot store most decimal fractions correctly.

I believe you have about four choices:

  1. Round everything to, say, two decimal places so that you never notice the slightly-off values.
  2. Store your BigDecimal values in SQLite with the TEXT or BLOB storage class.
  3. Use a different db that has some sort of decimal string support.
  4. Scale everything to integral values and use the INTEGER storage class.

The problem is that FP fractions are rational numbers of the form x/2n. But the decimal monetary amounts have fractions that are x/(2n * 5m). The representations just aren't compatible. For example, in 0.01 ... 0.99, only 0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 have exact binary representations.