React Native Async Await in react-native-sqlite-storage React Native Async Await in react-native-sqlite-storage sqlite sqlite

React Native Async Await in react-native-sqlite-storage

You need to wrap it in a Promise, then resolve the result when sql execution is done.

for example

async () => {  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {    db.transaction(tx => {      tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM users;', [], (tx, results) => {        const { rows } = results;        let users = [];        for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {          users.push({            ...rows.item(i),          });        }        resolve(users);      });    });  });}

let  SQLite = require('react-native-sqlite-storage');const  DB = SQLite.openDatabase({name:'test.db',createFromLocation:'~sqlitedb.db'});class Database{    db;    constructor(db){        this.db =db;    }    executeSql = (sql,params=[])=>new Promise((resolve , reject)=>{        this.db.transaction((trans)=>{            trans.executeSql(sql,params,(db,results)=>{                resolve(results);            },            (error)=>{                reject(error);            });        });    });}export default  (new Database(DB));


 import Database from 'database'; try {   results = await DB.excuteSql("SQL",['params']); } catch(e) { }

The following worked for me:

import { openDatabase } from 'react-native-sqlite-storage'const db = openDatabase({  name: 'app.db',  location: 'default',})export default function App() {  useEffect(() => {    db.then((db) => {      db.transaction((tx) => {        tx.executeSql('SELECT this from that', [])    })  })  /* Rest of the component... */}

openDatabase returns a Promise, on resolving which we get the actual db on which we can run db.transaction().

You could use the async/await syntax too, but that would be a lot of encapsulation, and so .then() is always cleaner.

This is different from the "expo-sqlite" package, because db = openDatabase('app.db') does not return a Promise there. Instead, you can run db.transaction() directly.