Ruby on Rails: before_save fields to lowercase Ruby on Rails: before_save fields to lowercase sqlite sqlite

Ruby on Rails: before_save fields to lowercase

downcase returns a copy of the string, doesn't modify the string itself. Use downcase! instead:

def downcase_fields!end

See documentation for more details.

You're not setting name to downcase by running, because #downcase does not modify the string, it returns it. You should use the bang downcase method!

However, there's another way I like to do it in the model:

before_save { name.downcase! }

String#downcase does not mutate the string, it simply returns a modified copy of that string. As others said, you could use the downcase! method.

def downcase_fields  name.downcase!end

However, if you wanted to stick with the downcase method, then you could do the following:

def downcase_fields = name.downcaseend

This reassigns the name instance variable to the result of calling downcase on the original value of name.