Safe read-only sqlite3 database Safe read-only sqlite3 database sqlite sqlite

Safe read-only sqlite3 database

Of course, if I knew all such commands, I'd just filter against them, but I'm mostly worried about commands I haven't thought of.

Have you considered using a whitelist instead of a blacklist? Only allow statements that start with SELECT or EXPLAIN.

You haven't mentioned how you are providing access to the SQLite database.

If you are doing so through the C API (e.g. writing a CGI in C that takes a raw SQL query, passes it to sqlite, and then returns whatever was returned), then the dot commands like ".load" are of no concern. These are implemented by the sqlite3 shell program, and will not work when calling the C API functions directly.

In this case you can call sqlite3_open_v2 passing SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY as one of the flags to prevent the database from being written.

The ATTACH command can be disabled by calling sqlite3_limit() to set SQLITE_LIMIT_ATTACHED to 1 to prevent attaching a second database from succeeding. Since the DETACH statement "detaches an additional database connection previously attached using the ATTACH statement" it sounds like this would prevent one from detaching the original database in order to bypass this restriction.

As far as I can tell from looking at the SQL understood by SQLite, this should close up all the holes. You may wish to run through the pragmas with a fine-tooth comb just to make sure, if there is anything I missed let me know and I'll update this answer.

Assure that your user has write access and that other users (especially the user that the webserver runs as) has only read access to the file itself. How you do this of course depends on your platform (Linux, Windows, etc.)