SQLite Alternatives for C++ [closed] SQLite Alternatives for C++ [closed] sqlite sqlite

SQLite Alternatives for C++ [closed]

Stay with SQLite but find a good C++ library for this.

This StackOverflow question should help you ...

I would argue that the added dependency on a wrapper library is not worth the cost of having to deal with the costs of that extra dependency. You don't want to be stuck debugging these wrapper libs when the documentation for them may be scant. SQLLite is bound to be more stable and have better documentation and therefore a more reliable dependency.

I would either deal with sqllite or wrap it yourself in some intelligent way based on your end application.

It sounds as if a database is the only real option for you. If you chose SQLite or MySql or Postgres does not really matter in the column index point, though.

Maybe what you really want is a better database abstraction. You might want to try Poco, it has a great one: http://pocoproject.org/