SQLite composite key (2 foreign keys) Link table SQLite composite key (2 foreign keys) Link table sqlite sqlite

SQLite composite key (2 foreign keys) Link table

Either of these should work for your association table:

create table house_items (    house_id integer not null,    item_id  integer not null,    foreign key (house_id) references houses(id),    foreign key (item_id) references electrical_items(id),    primary key (house_id, item_id))create table house_items (    house_id integer not null references houses(id),    item_id  integer not null references electrical_items(id),    primary key (house_id, item_id))

You'll probably want separate (single column) indexes on house_items.house_id and house_items.item_id as well.

Just to complement the first answer, it's a good practice to add a name to constraints, like the code below:

create table house_items (    house_id integer not null,    item_id  integer not null,    constraint house_items_pk primary key (house_id, item_id),    constraint house_items_house_fk foreign key (house_id) references houses(id),    constraint house_items_items_fk foreign key (item_id) references electrical_items(id));

There is no prohibition about a PRIMARY KEY not also being a FOREIGN KEY for those designs that require this kind of relation. Your problem isn't one of those, however, since the natural PRIMARY KEY in the linking table is a composite of the two columns, each a FOREIGN KEY back to one of the other tables.