SQLite database in Javascript locally SQLite database in Javascript locally sqlite sqlite

SQLite database in Javascript locally

This script will help you:

<script type="text/javascript">      function createDatabase(){         try{              if(window.openDatabase){              var shortName = 'db_xyz';              var version = '1.0';              var displayName = 'Display Information';              var maxSize = 65536; // in bytes              db = openDatabase(shortName, version, displayName, maxSize);        }     }catch(e){                 alert(e);           }     }     function executeQuery($query,callback){     try{         if(window.openDatabase){         db.transaction(         function(tx){         tx.executeSql($query,[],function(tx,result){         if(typeof(callback) == "function"){                 callback(result);         }else{                 if(callback != undefined){                       eval(callback+"(result)");                  }         }         },function(tx,error){});          });           return rslt;         }         }catch(e){}         }           function createTable(){           var sql = 'drop table image';                 executeQuery(sql);                 var sqlC = 'CREATE TABLE image (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, image BLOB )';                 executeQuery(sqlC);           }           function insertValue(){                var img = document.getElementById('image');                var sql = 'insert into image (name,image) VALUES ("sujeet","'+img+'")';                executeQuery(sql,function(results){alert(results)});            }<input type="button" name='create' onClick="createDatabase()" value='Create Database'><input type="button" name='create' onClick="createTable()" value='create table'><input type="button" name='insert' onClick="insertValue()" value='Insert value'><input type="button" name='select' onClick="showTable()" value='show table'><input type="file" id="image" ><div result></div></script>

To download the code go visit url:


myDatabase and myDatabase.sqlite are 2 different filenames, update your code to reference the correct filename with extension.

SQLite does automatically create a new empty database if you try to open a database that doesn't exist.

In my sqlite code I am using three js file for controlling sqlite one for debugging purpose, one for executing querys and another one for initilize the database and create basic tables.


Reference URL is http://allinworld99.blogspot.in/2016/04/sqlite-first-setup.html

var CreateTb1 = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tbl1(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, CreatedDate TEXT,LastModifiedDate TEXT, Name TEXT)";var CreateTb2 = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tbl2(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, CreatedDate TEXT,LastModifiedDate TEXT,Mark INTEGER)";var DefaultInsert = "INSERT INTO tbl1(CreatedDate,Name) select '" + new Date() + "','Merbin Joe'  WHERE NOT EXISTS(select * from tbl1)";var db = openDatabase("TestDB", "1.0", "Testing Purpose", 200000); // Open SQLite Database$(window).load(function(){  initDatabase();});function createTable() // Function for Create Table in SQLite.{  db.transaction(function(tx)  {    tx.executeSql(CreateTb1, [], tblonsucc, tblonError);    tx.executeSql(CreateTb2, [], tblonsucc, tblonError);    insertquery(DefaultSettingInsert, defaultsuccess);  }, tranonError, tranonSucc);}function initDatabase() // Function Call When Page is ready.{  try  {    if (!window.openDatabase) // Check browser is supported SQLite or not.    {      alert('Databases are not supported in your device');    }    else    {      createTable(); // If supported then call Function for create table in SQLite    }  }  catch (e)  {    if (e == 2)    {      // Version number mismatch.      console.log("Invalid database version.");    }    else    {      console.log("Unknown error " + e + ".");    }    return;  }}


function tblonsucc(){  console.info("Your table created successfully");}function tblonError(){  console.error("Error while creating the tables");}function tranonError(err){  console.error("Error processing SQL: " + err.code);}function tranonSucc(){  console.info("Transaction Success");}


function insertquery(query, succ_fun){  db.transaction(function(tx)  {    tx.executeSql(query, [], eval(succ_fun), insertonError);  });}function deletedata(query, succ_fun){  db.transaction(function(tx)  {    tx.executeSql(query, [], eval(succ_fun), deleteonError);  });}function updatedata(query, succ_fun){  db.transaction(function(tx)  {    tx.executeSql(query, [], eval(succ_fun), updateonError);  });}function selectitems(query, succ_fun) // Function For Retrive data from Database Display records as list{  db.transaction(function(tx)  {    tx.executeSql(query, [], function(tx, result)    {      eval(succ_fun)(result.rows);    });  });}