SQLite encryption in java using Hibernate SQLite encryption in java using Hibernate sqlite sqlite

SQLite encryption in java using Hibernate

You can use the built-in encryption of the sqlite (System.Data.SQLite). See more details at http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/forums/t/130.aspx

You can also Use SQLCipher, it's an opensource extension for SQLite that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files. http://sqlcipher.net

and as you need hibernate

you can use FluentNHibernate, you can use following configuration code:

private ISessionFactory createSessionFactory(){    return Fluently.Configure()            .Database(SQLiteConfiguration.Standard.UsingFileWithPassword(filename, password))            .Mappings(m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<DBManager>())            .ExposeConfiguration(this.buildSchema)            .BuildSessionFactory();    }private void buildSchema(Configuration config){        if (filename_not_exists == true)        {            new SchemaExport(config).Create(false, true);        }}    

Method UsingFileWithPassword(filename, password) encrypts a database file and sets password.It runs only if the new database file is created. The old one not encrypted fails when is opened with this method.


more options for you

  • SEE - The official implementation.
  • wxSQLite - A wxWidgets style c++ wrapper that also implements SQLite's encryption.
  • SQLCipher - Uses openSSL's libcrypto to implement.
  • SQLiteCrypt - Custom implementation, modified API.
  • botansqlite3 - botansqlite3 is an encryption codec for SQLite3 that can use any algorithms in Botan for encryption.

The SEE and SQLiteCrypt require the purchase of a license.