SQLite Entity Framework without App.config SQLite Entity Framework without App.config sqlite sqlite

SQLite Entity Framework without App.config

Here is a sample code that illustrates how to achieve the goal.

namespace SqliteEFNoConfig{    using System.Configuration;    using System.Data;    using System.Data.Common;    using System.Data.Entity;    using System.Data.Entity.Core.Common;    using System.Data.SQLite;    using System.Data.SQLite.EF6;    using System.Linq;    internal class Program    {        private static void Main()        {            // EF manages the connection via the DbContext instantiation            // connection string is set in config            // Use this code if you want to use a config file            // with only the connection string            //using (var model = new Model1())            //{            //    var dbSetProperty = model.dbSetProperty.ToList();            //}            // Alternative method:             // Use this code if you don't want to use a config file            // You will also need to use the override constructor shown below,            // in your EF Model class            var connectionString = @"data source = {PathToSqliteDB}";            using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection(connectionString))            {                using (var model = new Model1(connection))                {                    var dbSetProperty = model.dbSetProperty.ToList();                }            }        }    }    class SqliteDbConfiguration : DbConfiguration    {        public SqliteDbConfiguration()        {            string assemblyName = typeof (SQLiteProviderFactory).Assembly.GetName().Name;            RegisterDbProviderFactories(assemblyName );            SetProviderFactory(assemblyName, SQLiteFactory.Instance);            SetProviderFactory(assemblyName, SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance);            SetProviderServices(assemblyName,                (DbProviderServices) SQLiteProviderFactory.Instance.GetService(                    typeof (DbProviderServices)));        }        static void RegisterDbProviderFactories(string assemblyName)        {            var dataSet = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.data") as DataSet;            if (dataSet != null)            {                var dbProviderFactoriesDataTable = dataSet.Tables.OfType<DataTable>()                    .First(x => x.TableName == typeof (DbProviderFactories).Name);                var dataRow = dbProviderFactoriesDataTable.Rows.OfType<DataRow>()                    .FirstOrDefault(x => x.ItemArray[2].ToString() == assemblyName);                if (dataRow != null)                    dbProviderFactoriesDataTable.Rows.Remove(dataRow);                dbProviderFactoriesDataTable.Rows.Add(                    "SQLite Data Provider (Entity Framework 6)",                    ".NET Framework Data Provider for SQLite (Entity Framework 6)",                    assemblyName,                    typeof (SQLiteProviderFactory).AssemblyQualifiedName                    );            }        }    }}

In case you decide to not add a connection string in the config file then you need to add the following constructor in the EF model.

public Model1(DbConnection connection)    : base(connection, true){}

Notice: The above code is just a sample on how to achieve the goal and you will have to adjust it accordingly to your needs. The above code is provided assuming you are using EF Code First approach.