SQLite Foreign Key SQLite Foreign Key sqlite sqlite

SQLite Foreign Key

You still have to create the column checklist_id INTEGER before you add it as a Foreign key.

So it would be:

CREATE TABLE     checklist (        _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,         checklist_title TEXT,        description TEXT,        created_on INTEGER,         modified_on INTEGER    );CREATE TABLE     item (        _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,          checklist_id INTEGER,        item_text TEXT,         item_hint TEXT,         item_order INTEGER,         created_on INTEGER,         modified_on INTEGER,        FOREIGN KEY(checklist_id) REFERENCES checklist(_id)    );

Simply you are missing checklist_id column in your item table. You need to declare it before you want to set it as FOREIGN KEY. You tried to create FK on non-existing column and this is reason why it doesn't work.

So you need to add this:

checklist_id INTEGER,FOREIGN KEY(checklist_id) REFERENCES checklist(_id)

now it should works.

You need to include the column name before you wrap it with FOREIGN KEY().

CREATE TABLE     item (        _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,          checklist_id INTEGER,        FOREIGN KEY(checklist_id) REFERENCES checklist(_id),         item_text TEXT, item_hint TEXT,         item_order INTEGER,         created_on INTEGER,         modified_on INTEGER    );