SQLite - How do you join tables from different databases? SQLite - How do you join tables from different databases? sqlite sqlite

SQLite - How do you join tables from different databases?

If ATTACH is activated in your build of Sqlite (it should be in most builds), you can attach another database file to the current connection using the ATTACH keyword. The limit on the number of db's that can be attached is a compile time setting(SQLITE_MAX_ATTACHED), currently defaults to 10, but this too may vary by the build you have. The global limit is 125.

attach 'database1.db' as db1;attach 'database2.db' as db2;

You can see all connected databases with keyword


Then you should be able to do the following.

select  *from  db1.SomeTable a    inner join   db2.SomeTable b on b.SomeColumn = a.SomeColumn;

Note that "[t]he database names main and temp are reserved for the primary database and database to hold temporary tables and other temporary data objects. Both of these database names exist for every database connection and should not be used for attachment".

Here is a C# example to complete this Question

/// <summary>/// attachSQL = attach 'C:\\WOI\\Daily SQL\\Attak.sqlite' as db1 *//// path = "Path of the sqlite database file/// sqlQuery  = @"Select A.SNo,A.MsgDate,A.ErrName,B.SNo as BSNo,B.Err as ErrAtB from Table1 as A ///                    inner join db1.Labamba as B on ///                    A.ErrName = B.Err";/// </summary>/// <param name="attachSQL"></param>/// <param name="sqlQuery"></param>public static DataTable GetDataTableFrom2DBFiles(string attachSQL, string sqlQuery){    try    {        string conArtistName = "data source=" + path + ";";        using (SQLiteConnection singleConnectionFor2DBFiles = new SQLiteConnection(conArtistName))        {            singleConnectionFor2DBFiles.Open();            using (SQLiteCommand AttachCommand = new SQLiteCommand(attachSQL, singleConnectionFor2DBFiles))            {                AttachCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();                using (SQLiteCommand SelectQueryCommand = new SQLiteCommand(sqlQuery, singleConnectionFor2DBFiles))                {                    using (DataTable dt = new DataTable())                    {                        using (SQLiteDataAdapter adapter = new SQLiteDataAdapter(SelectQueryCommand))                        {                            adapter.AcceptChangesDuringFill = true;                            adapter.Fill(dt);                            return dt;                        }                    }                }            }        }    }    catch (Exception ex)    {        MessageBox.Show("Use Process Exception method An error occurred");        return null;    }}

Well, I don't have much experience with SQLite you have to access both databases in a single query.

You can have something like :

select name from DB1.table1 as a join DB2.table2 as b where a.age = b.age;

In databases like SQLServer you can access other databases in this hierarchical fashion, this should also work for SQLite.

I think you can initiate an instance of sqlite with more than 1 databases !